Ans: Conduction of Heat:
"The mode of heat by vibrating atorns and free electrons in solids from hot
to cold part of a body is called conduction of heat". OR
"Conduction is the flow of thermal energy (heat) through matter from
places of higher temperature to place of lower temperature without movement of
matter as a whole." koi samja do
Conduction is another way that heat moves. Heat is a form of energy, and when it comes into contact with matter (Anything that you can touch physically) it makes the atoms and molecules move. Once atoms or molecules are moving, they collide with other atoms or molecules, making them move too. These, then bump into other molecules and make them move, too. In this way, the heat is transferred through matter.
Conduction is the transfer of heat through stationary matter by physical contact. (The matter is stationary on a macroscopic scale—we know there is thermal motion of the atoms and molecules at any temperature above absolute zero.) Heat transferred from an electric stove to the bottom of a pot is an example of conduction. Some materials conduct thermal energy faster than others.
On a microscopic scale, conduction occurs as rapidly moving or vibrating atoms and molecules interact with neighboring particles, transferring some of their kinetic energy. Heat is transferred by conduction when adjacent atoms vibrate against one another, or as electrons move from one atom to another. Conduction is the most significant means of heat transfer within a solid or between solid objects in thermal contact. Conduction is greater in solids because the network of relatively close fixed spatial relationships between atoms helps to transfer energy between them by vibration. Fluids and gases are less conductive than solids. This is due to the large distance between atoms in a fluid or (especially) a gas: fewer collisions between atoms means less conduction.
Conduction is an important way that heat travels in space, but only within a spacecraft. Since there is very little matter in deep space, heat cannot leave a spacecraft by conduction.
Conduction is another way that heat moves.