Ans it.....!!!!!!☺☺☺☺☺

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(@)the magnitude,of the average velocity of a particle ,is not always equal to its average speed.
(ß)a particle,moving with a constant speed,may not be having a unique motion.
(¢)a person,caught in a rain ,falling vertically, does not necessarily hold the umbrella along the vertical direction.
(@)If the motion of an object is along a straight line and in the same direction, the magnitude of displacement is equal to the total path length. In that case, themagnitude of the average velocity is equal to the average speed.
(ß)A magnetic field can make a charged particle move in a circular path at constant speed, but its velocity constantly changes, so it doesn't have uniform motion in that sense.
(¢)The umbrella is inclined in the direction of the movement of the person.
When the person holds the umbrella vertically upwards, the rain drops which just have just crossed the bottom of the umbrella, will fall up on the body of the person as the person walks about a foot forward...
The raindrop falls from a height just below umbrella, the drop falls on the legs as the legs move forward by a foot or two...
When the umbrella is held at an angle, the bottom of the umbrella is lower in height.. The raindrops usually fall to the ground before the legs come forward and get underneath them (drops).
Awesome answer dear ❤❤
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