ans the following questions briefly?
2. What are the functions of supreme court?
The Supreme Court, at the apex of the Indian Judiciary, is the highest authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution of India, to protect the rights and liberties of the citizens, and to abide by the values of law.
Hint: The Supreme Court, at the apex of the Indian Judiciary, is the highest authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution of India, to protect the rights and liberties of the citizens, and to abide by the values of law. Therefore, the Supreme Court is the guardian of our Constitution. The Supreme Court is the court of record since the decisions made by SC are of evidentiary value and cannot be questioned in any court.
Complete Answer:
India is a federal state which consists of a single and unified judicial system with a three-tier structure, i.e.,
1. The Supreme Court,
2. High Courts and
3. Subordinate Courts.
Under Article 124(1) of the Indian Constitution, it is mentioned that there has to be a Supreme Court of India consisting of a Chief justice and a total of 34 judges.
The Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India can broadly be categorized into
1. Original jurisdiction,
2. Appellate jurisdiction and
3. Advisory jurisdiction.
The Supreme Court, at the apex of the Indian Judiciary, is the highest authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution of India, to protect the rights and liberties of the citizens, and to abide by the values of law. Therefore, the Supreme Court is the guardian of our Constitution. Article 141 of the Indian Constitution states that Law declared by the Supreme Court is binding on every court in India. The Supreme Court has the authority of judicial review to examine the constitutionality of all executive orders and legislative enactments. The grounds of review, however, is limited by Parliamentary legislation or rules made by the Supreme Court itself. It can withdraw cases pending at High Courts and dispose of them itself. Under Article 137, the Supreme Court is empowered to review any judgment or order previously made by it with a goal of removing any mistake or error that might have occurred in the judgment or order. The Supreme Court is the court of record since the decisions made by SC are of evidentiary value and cannot be questioned in any court. On the grounds of proved misbehavior or incapacity, a judge of the Supreme Court can only be removed from the office by the President of India on the basis of a resolution passed by both the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament (Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha) where a majority of the total membership and a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members are present and voting.
Note: A democratic country like India needs a judiciary since the democratic values tend to lose their prominence without proper checks and balances. Therefore, the Supreme Court plays the most important and significant role in the Indian Judiciary System, by interpreting and protecting the Constitution.