answer 13,14,15 fastly

Here's ur answer
12. Oxidation is defined as a process that involves a gain of oxygen or a loss of hydrogen. When a substance gains oxygen or loses hydrogen during a reaction, it is oxidized. This will happen only when there is another substance present that will either supply oxygen or accept Hydrogen from it. When this substance will accept hydrogen or supply oxygen, then in this process, it will get reduced (as reduction is defined as a process that involves a loss of oxygen or gain of Hydrogen).
Hence while one substance will gain oxygen or lose Hydrogen, the other must be present to lose oxygen or gain Hydrogen.
That is why it is said that that oxidation and reduction go hand in hand, or side by side i.e. they occur simultaneously.
13.Copper combines with oxygen to form copper oxide and it is also a oxidation-reduction reaction.
14.zinc reacts with hydrogen sulphate to give zinc sulphate with the release of hydrogen gas.
Here, hydrogen is displaced by zinc to form zinc sulphate . Thus, it is a example of displacement reaction.
Also,it is redox reaction because here sulphate is getting oxidised and zinc is getting reduced.
Hence , we can say that displacement rxn is also redox rxn.
Hope this will help you:)