answer 3,4 questions... fast

3.According to Ayurveda every disease has its roots in the mandagni that means loss of appetite lead's to each and every disease. In fever there is one symptom loss of appetite.So even though having loss of appetite person eats, digestion will not happen properly. This undigested material called as aama is absorbed by blood giving rise to temperature. This doesn't mean that everyone having loss of appetite will suffer from fever.But loss of appetite with other symptoms such as bodyache,headache,increase in thirst,urination gives fever disease. As we have seen there is undigested material in the body, to burn that material naturally ,one should follow langhana means having fast or eat light food .Naturally fever wil disappear. There is no need of medicine.
4.Sugar tastes sweet and grains containing starch so that it would taste sweet when we chew them. Starch is the form of sugar in which green plants store food. Normally, these contain the specialised starch and it would definitely become more option for getting the sweet nature in much more efficient manner.