Math, asked by yayayayayaa, 1 month ago

answer 7,8,9,16,17,18,19 and 20



Answered by PiyushRaj550


Attempt all the questions:

1. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: ( 150 to 200 words ) ( 18 )

a) A trip to a hill station.

b) The person whom you admire the most.

c) Express your views either for or against the topic: Should students have on line classes or off line classes.

2. Write a letter to your friend, describing a film which appealed to you very much. (10)


Write a letter to the Chairman, of water supply board, regarding the insufficient of water supply.

3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions which follows:

One common mistake that many people have made is this: they have thought that it would be a very good thing

if everybody had exactly the same amount of money, no matter whether they worked hard or lived quite idly.

They forget that very few people would work at all if it were not for the money their work brings them, and that

without work there would be no money. And they have imagined that if all the money in the country were

equally divided everybody would be rich. Now that is a very great mistake, because there simply is not enough

money to make everybody rich. If it were shared equally all around every one then would, on the basis of the

calculations made in 1935, receive only about Rs.65 a year. Today with a rise in the price level it might be Rs.

150 a year. That may be more than you receive now or it may be less, but would certainly not make you really

rich. It is quite true that there are in this country a small number of very rich people; but they are there so few in

comparison with the whole population that even if they were to share out all their wealth among the rest, it

would make very little difference. It is said that if you flattened out the great French mountain Mount Blanc, the

highest mountain in Europe, and spread it over the whole of France you would only raise the level of the land

by about 6 inches. See if you can think out what that has to do with the question I have been talking about.

Many people, unfortunately, seem to think also that government can always payout money quite easily and in

any quantity, and they forget, or else they do not know, that the government can only payout money that it has

received in taxes - money that the tax-payer has had to work for.

And now here if one final mistake that I should like to warn you against. Don't ever imagine that there is

anything to be ashamed of, or anything undignified, to grumble about in having to work hard for your living. If

when you start work you can go into a job that suits you, so that you can really enjoy the work itself, so much

the better: I hope that is what will happen. But if the work is not exactly the kind that you would choose, you

must try to remember that you are helping to produce the things that other people need; you are " doing your

bit" and playing your part in the work of the world. You are like a wheel, even if it is only a very tiny wheel, in

the great world-machineries of trade and industry that is always busily at work providing for the wants of

hundreds of millions of people, and you must "put your back into it" and see to it that your particular task is

always done as well as you can possibly do it.

a. Find opposite words from the passage. (1x3=3)

i. forget. ii. undivided. iii. never.

b. Give the meaning of the following words. (1x3=3)

i. Undignified ii. Ashamed. iii. Trade

c. Answer the following questions:-

i. Why is it really necessary to work? (2)

ii. Should all the money in the world be divided equally? Why?

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