Music, asked by kingbest, 8 months ago

Answer all of the following questions

1. Do you think there are a limited number of musical ideas? Could we ever run out of new musical ideas? Why or why not?

2. We know that music developed to have an adaptive function–it helped us survive in some way. Choose one role of music (communication, strengthening social bonds, or entertainment) and explain how it is an example of an adaptive function.

3. What do you think is more important: intellectual property laws (the laws that protect musicians’ music and keep it as their own property) or new kinds of musical technology? Why?

4. Brian Owens gave a powerful concert that brought the community together in St. Louis, Missouri. What is a situation in your community that might benefit from a concert such as Brian’s? Why?

5. Choose one of the following events: wedding, baseball game, or birthday party. Describe the event as if no music existed. Be sure to describe what is going on, how participants relate to one another, and what the mood is in the space.


Answered by pcdon555

1) There's a limited number of sounds we can hear and thus a finite number of possible ways of combining them. Don't panic, though. Before you start stockpiling melodies and burying riffs in your garden, you should know that there's still a lot of them left. ... New tunes are out there.

2) For those who cannot express themselves freely, they may turn to music, with strong lyrics or a beat to it that acts in the same mannerism of how they would in that feeling

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