Social Sciences, asked by princess0413, 1 month ago

answer all of these questions pls ​



Answered by mona2136


The soil is the topmost layer of the earth’s crust mainly composed of organic minerals and rock particles that support life. A soil profile is a vertical cross-section of the soil, made of layers running parallel to the surface. These layers are known as soil horizons.

For successfully running any Democratic Country three Important Institutions are Required—1. Legislature,2. Executive and 3. judiciary. The Parliament is the Legislature. From time to time it passes the Laws that are required at a particular time by the Country. That is why a Parliament is required. ambassador (Rtd) HVSManral

Colonial India was the part of the Indian subcontinent that was under the jurisdiction of European colonial powers during the Age of Discovery.

here is your answer

hope it's help you

Answered by supriya17in74

1 :

Soil erosion and depletion are the major threats to soil as a resource. Both human and natural factors can lead to degradation of soils. Factors which lead to soil degradation are deforestation, overgrazing, overuse of chemical feritilisers or pesticides, rain wash, landslides and floods.


It is the decision of people that creates a democratic government and decides about its functioning. ... The Parliament, which is made up of all representatives together, controls and guides the government. In this sense people, through their chosen representatives, form the government and also control it.


New land system of the British ruler also created a serious impact on the Indian economy. During the East India Company rule, the company administrators imposed land revenue at exorbitant rates and thereby realised larger returns from land

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