1. Find out and write about the various changes that have taken place in mobile phone technology. Mention about its advantages and disadvantages.
2. From among things we use in our daily life, identify those that are locally manufactured from those that are imported. Prepare a table on the same.
3. Write a brief review of the significant events in the field of Public health in India.
4. Give some information about the efforts taken by India for the establishment of democracy in neighbouring countries with examples.
1. Mobile technology is indispensable in the modern workplace. Due to its versatility, it offers a range of benefits, but also comes with considerable risks to the business. It is essential to consider both advantages and disadvantages of using mobile technology in business.
Advantages of mobile technology
The benefits of using mobile technology in business can lead to:
higher efficiency and productivity of staff
better quality and flexibility of service you offer your customers
the ability to accept payments wirelessly
increased ability to communicate in and out of the workplace
greater access to modern apps and services
improved networking capabilities
Disadvantages of mobile technology
Main disadvantages that come with the use of mobile technology in business include:
Costs - new technologies and devices are often costly to purchase and require ongoing maintenance and upkeep.
Workplace distractions - as the range of technologies and devices increases, so does the potential for them to disrupt productivity and workflow in the business.
Additional training needs - staff may need instructions and training on how to use new technology.
Increased IT security needs - portable devices are vulnerable to security risks, especially if they contain sensitive or critical business data
2. Locally manufactured: Bangles made of glass, cups, utensils, books, earthen pots, medicines, vegetables etc. Imported goods: mobiles, laptops, watches, sports equipment etc
3. The public healthcare system in India evolved due to a number of influences since 1947, including British influence from the colonial period.[1] The need for an efficient and effective public health system in India is large. Public health system across nations is a conglomeration of all organized activities that prevent disease, prolong life and promote health and efficiency of its people. Indian healthcare system has been historically dominated by provisioning of medical care and neglected public health.[2] 11.9% of all maternal deaths and 18% of all infant mortality in the world occurs in India, ranking it the highest in the world.[3][4] 36.6 out of 1000 children are dead by the time they reach the age of 5.[5] 62% of children are immunized.[6] Communicable disease is the cause of death for 53% of all deaths in India.
5. Efforts by India for establishing democracy:
1. India freed East Pakistan from the domination of West Pakistan which led to the emergence of Bangladesh with a democratic government.
2. India has aided Afghanistan in matters of security, development and health to establish democracy, freeing itself from the terrorist organization of Taliban.
3. India sent a peacekeeping force to Sri Lanka when there was political conflict between the Tamils and its government.