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40. WKT,Frogs lay eggs on water... So the development of the progeny Frogs would be difficult in the external area rather than internal area of the Mother frog.
41. Scientifically speaking, Embryo is the term used to refer the structure formed during the development of a progeny before the organ development inside /outside the Mother 's body. No, you cant Identify the body features bcoz all the Embryos look similarly at times.
1. In the womb of the female.
2. Cow- Internal fertilization.
Frog- External fertilization.
Humans- Internal fertilization.
Fish- External fertilization.
Hen- Internal fertilization.
3. female frog generally lay large number of eggs. Often, many adults lay eggs in the same place at the same time. This helps to ensure that eggs will be fertilized and at least some of the embryos will survive.
4. Embryo is developed from the fused sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus and we cannot identify body features in embryo.
5. Zygote and Foetus are the two different terminologies, which refers to the developmental stages inside the mother’s womb or uterus.
The zygote is the initial stage in baby development. It is also known as a fertilized ovum formed from the union of the sperm cell and the egg cell. Foetus refers to the final stage in baby development. An embryo is termed as the foetus in the beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy.
6. The sexual reproduction in animals takes place in the following steps: (i) The male parent produces male gamete called sperms. ... (iii) The sperm enters into the ovum and fuses with it to form a new cell called zygote and this process is called fertilisation.(iv) The zygote then divides again and again to form a large number of cells and ultimately the zygote grows and develops to form a baby.
7. see Attachment.
8. Foetus refers to the final stage in baby development. An embryo is termed as the foetus in the beginning in the 11th week of pregnancy.
9. Examples of metamorphosis include the tadpole, an aquatic larval stage that transforms into the land-dwelling frog (class Amphibia). Starfishes and other echinoderms undergo a metamorphosis that includes a change from the bilateral symmetry of the larva to the radial symmetry of the adult.
10. The main difference between oviparous and viviparous animals is that oviparous animals do not undergo any embryonic development inside the mother whereas viviparous animals develop into a young animal inside the mother. ... In contrast, viviparous animals are born as live young individuals. Therefore, they do not lay eggs.
11. Frog- oviparous.
Human beings- Viviparous.
Cow- Viviparous.
Hen- oviparous.
Fish- oviparous.
Butterfly- oviparous.
Cat- Viviparous.
12. Five example of each animal
which develope inside the mother
Humans, kangaroos, Monkeys, dolphins and camels.
inside the egg layed by the mother.
Hen, sparrow, fish, duck and octopus.
13. The answer to that is 21 days exactly, although you need to bear in mind that this can vary, depending on a number of circumstances. Generally speaking however, fertile chicken eggs which are hatched out by a hen will take 21 days before you see little faces staring at you from underneath their mamma's wings.
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