Answer all the questions

OK i will try i will try please mark me as brainlist
1) by mixing polyester and cotton.its a blended fibre.
2)because synthetic fibres catch fire easily and have low melting and boiling points so person wearing synthetic fibres in kitch can be caught in fire leading to death also .it gets sticked to body of the person
3)Rayon smells like burning paper (same as cotton) although it is a synthetic fibre because rayons are prepared by mixing some amount of cellulose or an extract of wood pulp which is also used to make paper. ... Hence, when the cellulose or the wood pulp in the rayon is burnt it gives the smell of burning paper.
4)Because iron is a metal and metals like iron reacts with oxygen and water to form rust which is brown in colour and plastic does not react to it
5)It is not advisable to burn plastic and synthetic fibers because when weburn them the dangerous toxins releases out which is injurious to health and cause to deadly diseases.
6)see the attachment
7)Bakelite is a phenol-formaldehyde resin.
It is hard and used in telephones, electrical gadgets, jewelry to cooking equipment whereas PVC (polyvinylchloride) is a soft, polymeric material that is found in abundance.
It is used in ceramic, wood, leather, paper, metal, and glass.
Another difference is that Bakelite being thermosetting plastic can be used for insulating materials whereas PVC is a thermoplastic which cannot be used for insulation.
8)Take an iron stand with a clamp and a cotton thread of about 65 cm length.
Tie the thread to the clamp so that it hangs freely as shown in figure.
At the free end suspend a pan so that weight can be placed in it.
Add weight one by one till the thread breaks.
Note down the total weight required to break the thread. This weight indicates the strength of the fibre.
Repeat the same activity with threads of wool, silk and nylon.
You will observe that the weight required to break the threads of wool, silk and^nylon is more than cotton. So, synthetic fibres are stronger than cotton.
9)A Synthetic Fibre is a chain of small units of chemical substance joined together
hi there,
Synthetic fibres are used in various purposes like.
1.It is used to stitch synthetic clothes.
2.It is used for fishing.
3.Synthetics are used to make sacks which is used to kept things.
4.Synthetic fibres are also used to tie heavy objects.
5.Sometimes thick synthetic fibres are used to make ropes and it is used to hang clothes for outsides..
10)Plastic is malleable and is light weight .so it can be moulded in to several shapes it's a thermoplastic so there is linear arrangement of monomers.
It should be avoided because it's not biodegradable . it's burning releases several poisonous gases that can cause death. it chokes drains and sometimes animals like cows eat plastic which chokes their respiratory system and cause their death.
It's controlled by recycling or by using weaved fibre bags instead. use jute bags for shopping.
follow the 5rs
11) nylon
2)wood pulp
4) gossypium
hope it helped