answer all the questions

Heya _____
Ans 2 ( a ) ___ a point will represent north pole of the magnet...
Ans 2 ( b ) ____ they will attract each other ...
Ans 3 ____ A compass needle is a iron made and it attract the magnetic field in the surrounding and help to identify the correct path...
Ans 5 ______ Magnet can loose its magnetism if it is deeped into the kerosene oil and it get heat highly...
Ans 6 _____ Clip is made up of iron and through a magnet it get pulled out...
Thank you
( a ) a point will represent north pole of the magnet...
they will attract each other ...
A compass needle is a iron made and it attract the magnetic field in the surrounding and help to identify the correct path...
Magnet can loose its magnetism if it is deeped into the kerosene oil and it get heat highly.
Clip is made up of iron and through a magnet it get pulled out...