answer. ........ answer

2. Liver .
It use to secret bil juice which act upon
emulsified fat and convert it into fatty
acid and glycerol.
3. The 3 process which occur during photosynthesis are :-
1. Conversion :- carbon convert into carbohydrate.
2. Reduction
3. Absorption :- of sunlight by chlorophyll.
4. Villi :-
They increase the surface are of small intestine so maximum absorption of digested food can take place.
5. The stomata of desert plant are deepley embedded in the life .
And they take up the CO2 in night time and convert it into the liquid compound and then during the day time they preform photosynthesis as sunlight is very essential for this process.
6. Gastric gland secret gastric juices in which it include :-
1. HCl - provide acidic medium and activates the pepsinogen.
2. Pepsin - they act upon proteins and convert them into peptons.
3. Mucus - help in lubrication and also protect the wall of stomach from HCl and pepsin.
7. Double circulation in human beings means the boold passes twice through the heart during respiration process.
8. Arteries Veins
1. they are not having 1.they are having valves valves. these boold pass 2. in these the boold
-es with fast speed. passes with low
3. they are narrow and 3. they are wide and
thick. and thin.
4. oxygenated boold 4. deoxygenated blood
is supplied except is supplied except
pulmonary artery. pulmonary vein.
9. When water is losses by leaves through transpiration then creates a succsion column which help in upward movement of water in plants through xylem.
10. It completes in 3 process :-
1. Ultrafilteration
2. Reabsorption
3. Selectively seceration
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