Answer briefly.
to help her home.
Who said this and about whom? What was their relationship?
b. What did he assume when he saw her?
Was his guess correct? Why not?
2. "What shall we do with that girl? She never will behave like a young
lady." sighed Meg.
a. Who is Meg? About whom did she say this?
b. What was that girl doing that made Meg say this?
ylike according
1. Who is Jo? What did she do? Who was the first person she told
2. Why did Jo not want to disclose her secret to her family?
3. How long did Jo have to wait for the final outcome of her venture?
C. Answer in reference to the context.
1. "It's like her to come alone, but if she has a bad time she'll need someone
4. How did Jo's family react to her news?
Answered by
Little Women - Planet eBook
'You said the other day you thought we were a deal hap- ... 'Birds in their little nests agree,' sang Beth, the peacemak- ... so few people saw them, and no one laughed at the queer party.
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