Answer correct the question in attached image
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Correct answer is B hyperbole
1) It could reach up and grab the moon .
--> Hyperbole ( as in real life no one can grab the moon)
Other options (cross check )
1) Alliteration:- It is the repetation of the starring sound of two words or repetation of first letters.
ex:- But Custard cried for a nice safe cage.
here, you can see C is repeated in Custard, Cage and Cried.
2) Hyperbole:- It is an exaggerated statement. It makes things either greater or less than they are.
ex:- I have not met her since ages.
Here ages can't happen as in new birth we don't have past memories.
3) Metaphor:- It is used to compare or suggest likness.
ex:- The camel is the ship of the desert.
here camel is compared to a ship in desert but we all know ship can't float in desert, its just a comparison.
4) Personification:- to express ideas as they are having human qualities.
ex:- Opportunity knocks at the door , but once.
Here we can say that opportunity is an abstract word still It is compared as having the quality to knock on door just like humans.