Answer fast❤❤
Only cahemistry geniues.
a) Lower - roasting...
ex - mercury
Middle- roasting and calcination.
ex- zinc
b) Because metals have free ions which conducts electricity!!!!
⇒ Metals of high reactivity can be extracted by
the process of Electrolytic Reduction
Electrolytic Reduction: Electric current is passed through the molten state of metal ores. Metal; being positively charged; is deposited over the cathode.
Example: When electric current is passed through molten state or solution of sodium chloride, sodium metal deposited over cathode.
Na+ + e− ⇨ Na
2Cl− − e− ⇨ Cl2
2NaCl ⇨ 2Na + Cl2
⇒ Metals of low reactivity can be extracted by
the process of roasting and calcination
roasting is the extraction of metals from by heating in presence of
I.e Cinnebar (HgS) is heated with O2 which gives SO2 and Hg.
HgS + O2 ---------- Hg + SO2
while calcination is the heating the ore without oxygen.i.e Ferric
Oxide (Fe3O4) is heated with carbon then they release Fe and CO2.