answer for 9th question...

Power rating of a bulb is 330V - 110W
Also the 3 bulbs are used for 5 hrs at a stretch.
To find:
Resistance of bulb , and energy consumed.
Power rating of any electronic device provides the ideal power generated when run on a specified Voltage. In this case , when the bulb is used at 330V , we get power generation of 110W.
Let power be P , voltage be V and resistance be R .
Considering that the 3 bulbs were used at specified Voltage of 330 V for 3 hours, we get :
Question :
A bulb is rated at 330 V - 110 W.
What is it's resistance?
Three such bulbs run for five hours at a stretch. What is the energy consumed?
Calculate it's cost In rupees if it's rate is 70 Paisa per unit .
Solution :
Considering that the 3 bulbs were used at specified Voltage of 330 V for 3 hours, we get :