Social Sciences, asked by eeeee4964, 5 months ago

Answer in brief:
1. What were the constructive programs undertaken by the Congress during the Non-Cooperation Movement?
2. Discuss the importance of the Lahore Session of Congress in 1929
3. Suggest some methods of conserving power resources.
4. Differentiate between dairy farming and pastoral farming.
5. Enumerate the qualifications of election as the President of India.


Answered by qroyal022


the three components of the constructive programme adopted by Gandhi jii

I. Removal of untouchability

ii. Hindi- Muslim unity

iii. popularisation of Swadeshi &. khadi

2)In December 1929, under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Lahore Congress formalised the demand of 'Purna Swaraj' or full independence for India. It was declared that 26 January 1930, would be celebrated as the Independence Day when people were to take a pledge to struggle for complete independence.


1)Turn Off Lights and Electronics When You Aren't Using Them. ...

2) Replace Traditional Light Bulbs with LEDs. ...

3) Get a Smart Thermostat. ...

4) Ensure Your Home is Properly Insulated. ...

5) Put Decorative Lights on a Timer. ...

6)Identify and Unplug Energy Vampires. ...

7) Reduce Appliance Use. ...

8) Use Less Hot Water.

4) Pastoral farming is a branch of farming which aims at producing livestock. Dairy farming is a part of pastoral farming which involves production of milk by rearing animals like cow, goat sheep etc. Diary Farming is the rearing of diary cattle to produce milk and milk products.

5) According to Article 58 of the Constitution, no person shall be eligible for election as President unless he is a citizen of India, has completed the age of thirty-five years and is qualified for election as a member of the House of the People.

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