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Answer:Ans 2-natural fibres are that fibres which are obtained from the plants, animals or minerals sources .examples are - silk, cotton ,wool
Ans 4- fibres that are made from chemical substance is called synthetic fibres. examples are rayon, polyester, acrylic.
Ans 6 four materials which were used by the people in ancient times are : .leaves, twigs, animal skin , hand wolen clothes
may be it's helpful to you
Q2- natural fibre are those fibre that are obtained from nature from nature example of natural fibre are cotton which is a plant fibre and wool which is a animal fibre
Q3- Two types of natural fibre are: plant and animal fibres.
Q4- synthetic fibre are those fibre which are not obtained from nature in other words the fibre synthesized by humans are synthetic fibre
example of synthetic fibre are: rayon ,nylon, acrylic.
Q6- In the ancient times when people did not discover or knew about fibres they used the skin of animal for example the wooly mammoth and covered themselves and they also used leaves to cover themselves .
Q7- clothes are really important , as there are different climates and seasons we wear different types of clothes for instance take the winter season, we wear woolen clothes because it traps a lot of heat and thus keeps us warm. People at the army wear bullet proof clothing so that they do not get serious injuries by the bullets.
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