Biology, asked by shruti13845, 1 month ago

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Answered by aryanjangir569


NAFLD Pathogenesis The progression of disease from simple steatrsis to cirrhosis & further liver cancer is governed by two hit hypothesis.first hit causes steatosis(deposition of lipids in hepatic parynchyma) and insulin resistance.Second hit- causes oxidative stress&adepokines,cytokines activation which leads to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis(nash) .Multiple injuries cause progressive fibrosis,hepatic failure and carcinoma. Increase triglyceride deposittion in the liver reflects an input/output imbalance of hepatic free fatty acid (FFA) metabolism . In obesity associted NAFLD, there is an increase of FFA delivery to the liver , especially during the fed state due to adipose tissue insulin resistance (18). In addition , de novo liogenesis is increase (19), drive by the hyperinsulenemia as well as excess availability of carbohydrates.Malonyl-co-A acts as a key gatekeeper of fatty acids metabolism, controlling the balance between de novo lipogenosis and fatty acid oxidation , it serves as the bulding block for fatty acid synthesis and elongation , while inhibiting of the entry of fatty acid to the mitochondria for-beta-oxidation. Acetyl co-A carboxylase(ACC) is the key enzyme generating malonyl-co-A from acetyl-co-A and regulating this process. Inhibition of ACC by antisense oligonucleoticles in a murine model of

Answered by pavnibhardwaj88




Dry cobalt chloride paper that is blue in colour turns pink when it comes in contact with water. Using this property of cobalt chloride paper we can study the rate of transpiration from the two surfaces of a leaf by comparing the loss of water vapour from the two surfaces of the leaf.

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