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it is of 5 marks

Does article writing come in board exams
Answered by
Clean India - A Way To Success
by- Ram
well a perfect step for driving our nation towards the progress is taken by our venerated primeminister. I am preety sure that is will influx our country with a lots of positive advantages. Our father of nation with his aspiration had condemn the untainted environment but with his death , his conception is ambling towards its death. Only for the sake of preventing this declaration of the conception of mahatama Gandhi our pm descreetly taken this step. With eternal voice I accolade his step.
but only with instagating these projects we can't achive our ambition. We have to strive for it . We have to inculcate this in our mind that this is our reponsiblitity to give a thrust to this moment. We should try to keep our surrounding clean by our self rather than depending on the microbes to decompose it.
We can take various other steps. (I recommend it should be written based on your ideology)
youtube@sangdil_biswal (dance channel be subscribed )
by- Ram
well a perfect step for driving our nation towards the progress is taken by our venerated primeminister. I am preety sure that is will influx our country with a lots of positive advantages. Our father of nation with his aspiration had condemn the untainted environment but with his death , his conception is ambling towards its death. Only for the sake of preventing this declaration of the conception of mahatama Gandhi our pm descreetly taken this step. With eternal voice I accolade his step.
but only with instagating these projects we can't achive our ambition. We have to strive for it . We have to inculcate this in our mind that this is our reponsiblitity to give a thrust to this moment. We should try to keep our surrounding clean by our self rather than depending on the microbes to decompose it.
We can take various other steps. (I recommend it should be written based on your ideology)
youtube@sangdil_biswal (dance channel be subscribed )
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