English, asked by Arnav4748, 1 year ago

Answer keys of gulmohar reader chapter from 7 to 12


Answered by babai13
Unit 1
A. 1. State whether true (T) or not true
(NT). a. NT b. NT c. T
d. NT 2. The block of marble was
damaged when Simone da Fiesole drilled
a hole through its centre and chipped away
half the marble from the hole’s front and
back. 3. Michelangelo chose to carve
David. (1) David had been da Fiesole’s
subject and (2) his chisel marks for
the statue were already there.
4. (a) worthless (b) fl aws
(c) masterpiece
B. 3. M 4. M 5. A 6. M
7. M 8. M 9. M 10. M
C. 2. besides 3. moreover
4. also 5. however
D. 2. My father told me that I spent too
much time sleeping and watching
television. In other words, he told me
that I was lazy. 3. Elephants are the
largest animals on land. By comparison,
whales are the largest animals in the
sea. 4. Karthik is very organised.
In other words, he works according to a
E. 2. bristled 3. seethed 4. fl ared
up 5. incensed
Unit 2
A. 1. Because Lynn is blind. 2. The
dogs help her believe that anything
is possible with a seeing eye dog by
her side 3. (a) a physical therapy
clinic (b) sixth 4. Rambo is
guiding Lynn live another part of her
life after her fi fth guide.
5. • competent: capable
• acquired: developed • graduate:
B. 2. It is impossible that Jay would have
been invited to the party. (invite)
3. We might have caught the train / We
couldn’t catch our train. 4. My
mother was worried because I couldn’t
call to tell her where I was.
C. 2. would visit 3. comes 4. save
5. tell 6. lived
D. heavy: rain, traffi c, sleeper hard:
cash, work, labour strong:
swimmer, fl avour, coffee
E. 1. dependable 2. renewable
3. invincible 4. comfortable
5. capable 6. legible
7. avoidable 8. sensible
Unit 3
A. 1. Sohra 2. Land of Oranges
3. 11,430 millimetres 4. Guwahati
5. Koh-ramhah 6. roots of trees
7. cane and bamboo
B. 2. compound 3. compound
4. compound 5. complex
6. compound
C. 2. Renu came home because she wanted
to see me. 3. He pushed with all
his strength but he could not move the
fallen book case. 4. I was reading
and he was cooking. 5. The cat was
hiding under the bed as he usually does.
D. 2. high-rise 3. well-known
4. bright-eyed 5. sugar-free
6. full-time
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