Answer me this questions

- Metal which burns with a lilac flame.
Potassium burns with a lilac flame. It is soft alkali metal that oxidizes rapidly in air and is very reactive with water generating sufficient heat to ignite the hydrogen emitted in the reaction.
2. Metal which melts into a silvery globule and darts on the surface.
When a piece of sodium metal dropped in cold water we observe : Sodium floats on water surface melts forming a silvery globule which darts about the surface of water catches fire and burns with golden yellow flame.
3. Metal which reacts reversibly with steam.
The metal that's reacts reversibly with steam is giving hydrogen.
4.Metal which lies on the top of reactivity series.
The reactivity series lists metal compounds, including magnesium sulphur and lead, in their order of reactivity, with the least reactive at the top. Those at the top and bottom are most keen to react with other elements to form compounds.
5. A metal which react with very dilute nitric acid
Why? Answer: the metals the metal which can react with dilute HCl HNO3 to evolve hydrogen gas is MANGANESE.
6. Hydrogen reacts with molten sulphur to form.
When Hydrogen gas reacts with sulfur, hydrogen sulfide gas is formed, it has a characteristic rotten egg smell and is poisonous, flammable and corrosive.
7. Valency exhibition by hidrogen ion
Hydrogen's valence number is one, because it has only one valence electron and needs only one shared electron to fill its energy levels. This means it can bond with many elements. For example, four hydrogen atoms can bond with a carbon atom, which has four valence electrons, to form methane.
8. Atomicity of hidrogen
Each molecule of hydrogen has two atoms of hydrogen, the atomicity of hydrogen is two. Similarly each molecule of oxygen contains two atoms of oxygen, the atomicity of oxygen is two. One molecule of water contains two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen, the atomicity of water is three.