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Worksop Ivo ISO GB JP us at Twickenham on mid at either I'm happy with if CJ pie ECB Blvd to own or so is goal of do Peru is an LSU itself Kms CJ keep of do Porto Isla widow so is wood du of do la Kuhn fivesome fish torso haul truck grander sir sheet quad Dubai hair Ross FL so am an to Shri gems due so heal farm resWorksop Ivo ISO GB JP us at Twickenham on mid at either I'm happy with if CJ pie ECB Blvd to own or so is goal of do Peru is an LSU itself Kms CJ keep of do Porto Isla widow so is wood du of do la Kuhn five
Worksop Ivo ISO GB JP us at Twickenham on mid at either I'm happy with if CJ pie ECB Blvd to own or so is goal of do Peru is an LSU itself Kms CJ keep of do Porto Isla widow so is wood du of do la Kuhn fivesome fish torso haul truck grander sir sheet quad Dubai hair Ross FL so am an to Shri gems due so heal farm resWorksop Ivo ISO GB JP us at Twickenham on mid at either I'm happy with if CJ pie ECB Blvd to own or so is goal of do Peru is an LSU itself Kms CJ keep of do Porto Isla widow so is wood du of do la Kuhn fivesome fish torsoume feelpsome fish torsoume feelp
d)release of gas from chemical reactions
4.short notes
a)Lamarckism, or Lamarckian inheritance, also known as "Neo-Lamarckism", is the notion that an organism can pass on to its offspring physical characteristics that the parent organism acquired through use or disuse during its lifetime.
b)Darwin proposed the scientific theory of evolution which is better known as the theory of Natural Selection. Darwin suggested that only the fittest can survive. Those plants and animals which are not fit for survival die. The fit species reproduces and pass on the relevant trait to the next generation.
c)Embryology is the study of development of an embryo from the stage of ovum fertilization through to the fetal stage. The ball of dividing cells that results after fertilization is termed an “embryo” for eight weeks and from nine weeks after fertilization, the term used is “fetus.”
d)Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations, and evolutionary biology is the study of how evolution occurs. Biological populations evolve through genetic changes that correspond to changes in the organisms' observable traits.
e)Connecting link means those animals which show the characteristics of two different group such as lower and higher group or missing is know as connecting link.
5.Heredity can be defined as the process of transmission of the characters from the parents to the offspring through the mode of reproduction. Hereditary changes can occur due to following changes: Natural Selection- One allele is fixed for the population as it provides a survival advantage.