Answer pls i give Brainliest pls answer
I wana give ans but I don't read it
Ok here is ur answer
Step-by-step explanation:
One example In each I will do and then I will explain it so now see
In 8. Here is given equivalent set builder form so a. Is odd number less than 11 so in 1 to 10, 10 is the even less no. So no it will also no so 9 is correct for odd number so you can make it easily
{x|x 9 is an odd number and less than 11}
Understands now try yourself b,c and d also
Now, 9
A, B and D is not correct why, because all are not same but C is given {abcd} is equal to {abcd}
Now take an example adcb is equal to adrb is it correct so the answer is no
Adfc is equal to Adfc is it correct yes it is correct
Now 10
So answer is a. Because X is greater than 7 but odd no. So here is a is correct all equation have even no. But this equation has odd and after 7 no.
Now 11 to 13 I can't do so sorry
Now 14,
The answer is u because u belong to universal
All done except 11 to 13 because I don't know so sorry
PLEASE mark me as brainlists