Political Science, asked by renukumari15003, 10 months ago

answer plz...........,.....​



Answered by mjha9910

Improvement of healthcare in India requires five sorts of reforms

1) Administrative Reform: This would be reform which will bring the need for structural reform. In this all Government servants and all elected representatives would be mandated to take healthcare only from Public sector hospitals, food from the public sector hostel facilities and water from public water supplies. All positions elected and appointed of the public sector would be mandated to have education from public sector schools & institutes. In addition the people in power have to be treated in general wards of the poorest than special wards. In practical world no servant enjoys luxuries above the masters. While in democracy the real masters are people or public, why should public servants be entitled any privileges.

The above reform would bring dramatic changes to public healthcare and utility infrastructure for the need to protect the ultra costly public servants (elected & appointed) lifes. Any reform can be enforced only when there is need. Just a reform on paper without real pain to people in power is like IPC despite which crime happen.

2) Educational Reforms: India is one of the lowest doctor density large geography in the World. The current doctor density of 0.9 doctors/1000 people is below par compared to most economies in World. While the average cost of education for becoming doctor is 25–40x the per captia income of average citizen in India which exponentially high by many fold compared to developed economies. The factor of high cost of education is making skilled healthcare services very expensive to average citizen (compared to per captia income). While the huge costs involved in healthcare segment is making the sector prone to many corruption scandals which happened and happening in the country. This can be addressed effectively by providing on job training and certification program to experienced nursing staff who have high on field experience on the lines of RMP. This will induce 2x-3X qualified healthcare professionals at the fraction of producing doctor with higher quality of services. Additionally Governance bodies have to increase medical colleges and on job training institutes with 80–90% subsidy on the education costs with obligation to serve the nation for atleast 20–25 years . All selection process of students and on job trainees has to be based on talent than reservations.

3) Legal Reforms: Any corruption in healthcare sector has to be equated to killing of a person and should be prosecuted & punished according to applicable laws for genocide. All applicable taxes like GST, Customs, Excise, etc have to abolished on the health care sector. Any politician or public servant who avails healthcare services from private sector have to be abolished from their duties. All healthcare insurance schemes should be nationalized and every person has to be provided health insurance. Pricing of all hospitals have to regulated and any over charging has to be classified as corruption in healthcare.

4) Structural Reforms: All citizens have to be provided with health care history, automated health care alert system , RDA food supplies and clean drinking water. A single standard procedure of treatment standards have to be developed across the country. Higher hygiene standards have to be provided in public utilities and infrastructure. Waste management and sewerage management has to be deployed as priority and the central governing body should allocate 10–15% of the budget in providing all the above reforms.

5) Accountability Reforms: The Government must pay penal charges to public if it can't provide clean drinking water, health care services, RDA food, hygiene standards, sewerage maintenance etc on daily basis. Such penal charges have to be recovered from public servants salaries ( elected & appointed) as percentage. This should be a fine for negligence in maintaining the public tax collections on the lines traffic & banking regulations.

Answered by karan2024

Different ways in which government can take step to provide health care to all

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