English, asked by Eddy11111, 1 year ago

answer plz on any one topic 300-350 words



Answered by AkshithaZayn
Hey there!
Down here⏬

∆ What are the advantages and disadvantages of growing up in a nuclear family? Narrate your own experience and evaluate which type of family you prefer, and why?

Family is a wonderful place where we have the persons who gave us the real love than any other ones. They love us just as us. We all do have a great pleasure in our families. We do have a great bond with our family and I hope most of us do share our experiences with our family.

Nuclear family is a family were is lesser memebers who are usually a husband and wife and an immature children. Being in a Nuclear family myself, I feel there is a lot more disadvantages than advantages. It may vary from person-to-person because everyone is different from thier point of view.

∆ Let me raise some Advantages of being in a Nuclear Family

• Development of Personality : Personality of a person develops when we are living in a Nuclear Family. Since only a few members are there, it helps us a lit to do the things by ourselves.

• Less expenses : In a nuclear family, the expense are low compared to joint families as there is a few members. It may help us to spend our money in other feilds more than family expenditures. It's a great plus.

• Responsible : Being in a Nuclear Family we are less dependent, and so, we became more responsible. We can't to shift our work to any other memember of family. Responsibility is also a great advantage of Nuclear Family. It always help in making our personality more good.

• Problem free from in-laws : It is noted that in a joint family, the chance of conflicts between family members are high. So, It is less in Nuclear family.

∆ Besides this Great Advantages, thee are also some disadvantages of being in a Nuclear Family.

Economic disadvantage : It's great disadvantage that family expenditure is high in joint family. This creates a nad impact on economy.

• Insecurity of children : In most nuclear families,husband and wife have job and they do go for job daily. This makes a lot of mess in a child's life. She/He couldn't have anyone to look after them, when thier parents go to work

• Loneliness : It is the most cruel thing about Nuclear Family. The Children of nuclear family doesn't have anyone to share thier experience. But, it does not happen in Joint families.

∆ My views.

Being in a Nuclear family myself, I feel, joint family is far more better than a Nuclear Family. Imagine what the fun ot will be when lots of people are around us. Being a child, I always prefer Joint family as a better option as there will be a great bond within our relatives.

Hope helped
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