answer plz with reason

option c is correct
When the condenser get maximum charge then no current will flow through codensor.
(1)so assume that we have closed s2 then circuit is not closed because positive terminal of battery is not included in circuit so option 4 is not possible ..
(2) now assume that both the keys are closed then no current will flow through condenser...that is current will flow from 10 ohm and 5 ohm resistor and since current is flowing through resistor there will be some potential drop across the end of condesor so condesor will not get potential v as that of battery
(3) if we close only s1 then ...
when condesor get maximum charge no current will flow from condenser and due to this 5 ohm resistor also become useless because we have only condenser and 5 ohm resistor in circuit and when no current is flowing through circuit then no current will flow through resistor also
and due to this there will be no potential drop across the end of condesor
so condesor will get potential v as that of cell ..
so option c is correct
S1 is closed and S2 is opened..... option c is correct