Science, asked by beherarajesh756, 24 days ago

Answer question numbers 13.1 -13.4 on the basis of your understanding of the following

paragraph and the related studied concepts.

Ravi was travelling to his school to give final exams. Today it was the science exam and

he was nervous. The teacher had told that there will be a surprise element in the exam

that he didn’t know of. When he reached the school, he found out that there will be a

viva-voce exam for each of the student. When his turn came, he was given a very small

task. First he was a shown the two images.

13.1 Help Ravi to correlate between these two images.

13.2 What is the reason behind that correlation?

13.3 Mark the solution to the above two questions in the given image.

13.4 Name two other cell organelles in a plant cell.​


Answered by rajendrabajhaiya33


38. The side of an equilateral triangle is denoted by l express the perimeter of the

epuilateral triangle in terms of 1. ?

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