Answer questions 14,15,16?

Ques 16
As the Gutenberg Galaxy expands, it rehashes methods of presenting information from earlier parts of documented history. Such as that which can be attributed to the referencing of how a message of value on a papyrus dated 1913 BCE with iconographic inscription made an impression on the receiver and how it affected their intent to use that information; applying the figurative paradigm of that reality to an app on a wearable augmented reality platform.
Examining ancient empires, their cultures, strengths, weaknesses, how they fell; who and what caused them to fall; and how that relates to the way society organizes itself today.
Empirical; interdisciplinary. Even to the point of combining: the arts, social science, natural science, and engineering.
Ways of addressing literacy and the lack thereof.
Methods of making thinkers cynical and skeptical, rational, but not reasonable. Abstract, but not critical.