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que.1---W- night blindness
X- malaria
Y- tuberculosis
Z- asthma
question 2
option c
question 3
option a
question 4
option c
w. a: night blindness cause by the deficiency of vitamin A
b:The primary source of energy for our body is glucose. It comes from the diet we take. Insulin is a hormone present in our body that helps absorb glucose by our body cells. Glucose enters the cells with the help of insulin and is further used for energy generation and body metabolism.
Insulin is produced by the pancreas beta cells. But when the pancreas beta cells become weak, or when our body becomes insulin resistant, insulin deficiency occurs. Due to insulin deficiency, the glucose does not reach the cells and stays in our blood. As a result, it causes an increase in blood glucose levels. Insulin Deficiency can be reversed by engaging in physical activities and adopting a nutrient rich diet.
When the blood glucose levels, also known as blood sugar levels in the body, are too high, it causes diabetes.
c: Arthritis may be cause by wear and tear of a joints from overuse most common age is 50
D: Fever, severe headaches, irritability, extreme fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and aching muscles and joints are most common example of sleeping sickness
a. Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with Vibrio cholerae bacteria
b. Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans.
c. AIDS is virus that attacks on our immune system symptoms of this virus are headache, muscles ache,fever etc.
D. Diphtheria is a serious infection caused by strains of bacteria called Corynebacterium diphtheriae that make toxin (poison). It can lead to difficulty breathing, heart failure, paralysis, and even death.
a. Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but TB bacteria can attack any part of the body such as the kidney, spine, and brain. Not everyone infected with TB bacteria becomes sick.
Includes Diseases: Latent tuberculosis
b. cancer is mostly cause by over smoking by this our lungs are damage
c. Asthma is disease that effect your lungs. symptoms are breathlessness, wheezing. mostly happen in children but also in old man too.
d. Acne is a skin condition that occurs when your hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells and mostly happen in teenagers.
a. High blood pressure, also called hypertension, is blood pressure that is higher than normal. reasons of hypertension are depression, taking to much stress, overthinking.
b. Humans usually get plague after being bitten by a rodent flea that is carrying the plague bacterium or by handling an animal infected with plague. plague is disease that effect human and other mammals.
c. Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax can be found naturally in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals around the world.