answer the 2 point all parts

Hey Mate...
Here are the steps
Draw a line segment measuring 6cm name the segment as XY
Measure a length of 7cm on compass
Placing compass on Y and draw an arc of 7cm.
Place the tip of the compass on X and draw another arc with compass stretched of 5.5cm which cuts the previously drawn arc at a point
Name the intersection point as Z
Join XZ and YZ
Required Triangle is formed
a). Taking radius on compass more than half the length of YZ i.e. 7cm
Draw 2circles taking once, both Y and Z as centre.
Join the 2intersection points of the two circles.
Name the points as PQ
The perpendicular bisector PQ is constructed...
b). Taking Y as centre draw an arc of any radius (smaller radius) cut the two sides of triangle, let D intersect YX and E intersect YZ
Now taking my D as centre cut an arc inside the triangle.
Do similarly in E i.e. without changing radius of compass taking E as centre cut an arc intersecting the other arc.
Let the intersection of arc be point O
Join YO
YO is angle bisector...
Hope it helps.....