World Languages, asked by MsMisty, 6 months ago

Answer the above Question!!​



Answered by Thorragnarok57


Length of the rectangular field =500m

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs.

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 100

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 100000 sq. m = Rs.

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 100000 sq. m = Rs. 100

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 100000 sq. m = Rs. 1007.5

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 100000 sq. m = Rs. 1007.5

Length of the rectangular field =500m Breadth of the rectangular field =200m ∴ Area of the rectangular field = Length × Breadth =500m×200m=10000sq.m ∵ Cost of tiling 100sq.m=Rs.7.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 1sq.m = Rs. 1007.5 ∴ Cost of tiling 100000 sq. m = Rs. 1007.5 × 100000=Rs.7500



అంటే మాటంటే దాన్ని తు.చ తప్పకుండా నెరవేర్చడం. వాగ్దానం తప్పకూడదన్నమాట. దీన్నే మాటమీద నిలబడడం అంటారు. అలా మాటమీద నిలబడే వాళ్లకు ఇంట బయటా గౌరవమర్యాదలుంటాయి. కాని, ఆడినమాట తప్పినవాళ్లకు గౌరవం ఉండదు. వాళ్లనెవ్వరూ నమ్మరు. ఎంతటి గొప్పస్థానంలో ఉన్నా చులకనైపోతారు. సొంతమనుషులు కూడా వాళ్లను తేలికగా తీసుకుంటారు. సమాజం నుంచి, బంధువుల నుంచి సరైన సహకారం లభించదు. అవకాశం వస్తే అల్పులు కూడా అవమానించడానికి సాహసిస్తారు. అనుకున్న పనులు నేరవేరవు.

Niku 10th QUESTIONS tho em pani minni...xD

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