Science, asked by vikas340, 11 months ago

answer the following 1-15 questions



Answered by ananya41276
1.pitcher plant eats insect becausr it is an insectivoros plant.
7.milk teeth are the ones which grow when we are small and feeding on milk. in short the teeth which are temporary are milk teeth .As we grow up milk teeth fall down and new teeth appear in place of them as pemanent teeth.
10.When an iron piece is left in water + air or moisture it develops a powdery substance of red and brown colour which spoils the iron and makes it weak.This powdery substance is known sa rusting of iron.
11.When its too cold or too hot the birds and some animals move from their place to another to find a favourable condition to suit their living .This is known as migration.
12. It is difficult to ride a bicycle while moving against the wind because the wind puts pressure on our body and we find it difficult.
13. High rate of evaporation of water because of high temprature and heat cause rain in most of the part of india.
14.If a body is covering equal distance in equal time gap ,is known uniform motion.
If a body is moving unequal distance in equal interval of time is known as non uniform motion.

I am sorry rest answers i dont know .
And hope that they are useful for you.
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