answer the following after reading the passage.
once a witch converted a boy into hankey and threw it on the road. many people stepped on him without noticing. the poor boy was full of pain. then one day the princess took the hankey and put it into her pocket and the boy was sweating a lot but had no option.
then one day princess became ill. there was no one to help as everyone was busy in war. the poor princess wanted a hanky to remove her noisy. she then finds in her pocket.
she then nosied in the boy but poor boy cant do nothing. the noisy was sticky and disgusting but the boy remain calmly because he loved the princess. then she sneezed and one drop of spit went on him and he was back into a boy.
and happily they both lived.
a.)a title and a moral for this.
b.) what could be other things which could the witch give the boy as punishment. any 5
c.) character of the boy
d.)was the boy happy when he was hanky. justify
e.) find a word which means mucus
Answered by
a) title - the happy boy
moral - never make a witch angry
b) made him into a frog
kill him
made him as a slave
lock him in a hug for the whole life
to make him vanish in the air
c) calm
d) he was happy because if he doesn't become then he would never meet the princess
e) nosy
hope it helped please mark me as brainliest answer
moral - never make a witch angry
b) made him into a frog
kill him
made him as a slave
lock him in a hug for the whole life
to make him vanish in the air
c) calm
d) he was happy because if he doesn't become then he would never meet the princess
e) nosy
hope it helped please mark me as brainliest answer
can u tell me 1 more punishment
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