English, asked by Athena4852, 3 days ago

Answer the following briefly

1.What do you mean by procrastination?
2.What is meant by relational aggression?
3.Explain the major reasons for which the people are bullied.


Answered by MaanyataVerma


Ans. 1 Procrastination is the habit of delaying an important task, usually by focusing on less urgent, more enjoyable, and easier activities instead. It is different from laziness, which is the unwillingness to act. Procrastination can restrict your potential and undermine your career.

Answered by babyjai


Essential Meaning of procrastinate. : to be slow or late about doing something that should be done : to delay doing something until a later time because you do not want to do it, because you are lazy, etc.


Behavior that manipulates or damages relationships between individuals or groups, such as bullying, gossiping, and humiliation.


Bullied themselves: Someone who bullies others might have experienced bullying -- maybe by their parents, their abusing step-siblings, or even from someone in their neighborhood. Bullies often lack empathy as a result of their perception of what’s happened to them, and they want to pay that negativity forward.

Seeking social attention via loneliness: Bullies are often lonely. They don’t have any real friends. So they try to find attention in any way they can, even if that means hampering someone’s mental health or causing them physical health problems.

Frustration or envy: Bullies may bully people who are doing better than them at something, be it grades or athletic accomplishments or promotions at work. The bullies look to undermine the other person’s skills with acts of aggression only to level the playing field. Bullies often lack psychological well-being, so there’s a lot of comparison being done in their heads, and that leads to frustration and envy.

Shame: This occurs when the person bullying is ashamed by their low intellect or lack of ability to succeed in whatever they try. They get frustrated by their failure and resultantly take it out on the other person with acts of aggression. Bullies often lack personal integrity, as well.

The decline of disagreement: This is a trickier one. Oftentimes in online discourse, a simple disagreement may be flagged by one person as “hate,” as opposed to an opportunity for future learning and discussion. When “hate” can be virtually anything, the term bully can be misappropriated to mean simply “someone you don’t like the views of,” as opposed to an actual, true bully. The confusion around semantics is a cause for the perceived rise of bullying, as well.

Gender norms: Males are more likely to have bullied another person. While it is common for us to encourage females to talk about their problems and accept visual emotions, the opposite is usually true for males. Without the outlet of healthy communication and displays of emotion, males can revert to aggressive behavior.

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