Cartographic work is a collective term for maps and “maps related projections”. A map is reduced, generalized and explained representation of objects and events on the Earth or in space, constructed in a plane using mathematically defined relationships. The reduction is given by the length scale of a map in a common format 1 : m, which is the ratio of an undistorted length in a map corresponding to the real length. Generalization is the result of the reduction, because a map can not record all the facts in the same detail. The explanation informs through the legend about the means of expression. Maps are divided into the basis of agreed criteria, such as content of a map, the extent of a displayed area, the purpose of a map, the map scale, etc. A plan means a reduced plane image of perpendicular projection of such a small area, in which there is still not shown distortion.” Maps related projections” refer to cartographic representation that do not correspond to the definition of maps, e.g. globes, viewing maps, panoramas, relief models, schematic maps, etc.
Classification of maps
maps according to the content
maps with topographical content
cadastral maps (large scale maps to 1 : 5 000) – including geodetically determined fixed points, topography, elevation and description
topographical maps - maps of large and medium scales, including topography, elevation, description, or coordinate grid, they have a permanent legend
general geographic maps – small scale maps, showing a large area or the whole world, they are formed by progressive generalization of topographic maps, depicting the whole
thematic maps - showing one or several elements of a map content and other elements are suppressed
maps according to the scale
geographic view
large scale maps - greater than 1 : 200 000
medium scale maps - 1: 200 000 – 1 : 1 000 000
small scale maps - less than 1 : 1 000 000
geodetic view
large scale maps - greater than 1 : 5 000 (possibly 1 : 10 000)
maps medium scale – 1 : 5 000 to 1 : 200 000
small scale maps - less than 1 : 200 000
maps according to the purpose
maps for records, planning and projection purposes - detailed topographic maps and thematic maps that are issued for specific needs of institutions, organizations, etc.
school maps – they are compiled with regard to a content of the curriculum discussed at each grade, e.g. wall general geographic and thematic maps, atlases
maps for the public - mostly themed, tourist maps, road maps and road atlases, city plans
scientific maps - mostly thematic maps that summarize the results of scientific research
military maps - detailed topographic maps, or thematic maps that are used by the military
maps according to the displayed area
astronomical maps - maps of starry sky, maps of single heavenly bodies
maps of the Earth - maps of the whole country, hemispheres, continents or oceans, states, smaller territorial units, town plans
maps according to the origin
original maps – they are designed on the basis of data obtained by ground or aerial mapping or the primary processing of statistical data
derived maps – they are formed by the generalization and modification of existing original maps, or other derived maps, e.g. topographic maps 1 : 50 000
maps according to the number of maps sheet
separate maps – one sheet maps, the legend must be present
map files – they consist of a large number of maps showing the same area, but different topic, or processing one topic in more areas
map series - a set of map sheets treated in a uniform scale and cartographic display, covering the whole area of interest, the symbol key is the same for all sheets
atlases - systematically organized map files processed as a whole, published in a book form, such maps can be classified according to content (geographical atlases, topographical atlas, photoatlases), displayed area (atlases of the world, continents, oceans, or parts, national atlases, regional atlases), range and purpose (large, medium, pocket)
scrolls - randomly collected maps of different age and origin in map archives
maps according to the restriction of the map field
frame maps - map drawing reaches up to the frame
island maps - show the full area of interest only, and the remaining area is left mostly in grey colour with no detail (thematic maps of individual states)
maps without a frame and drawing ends up on the edge of a sheet of paper
maps according to the relative time period
static maps - showing the status at a given time
dynamic maps - showing the progress of variable events
current maps (maps of the current state) – capturing a territory on the date of the earliest possible date of publishing a map
old maps - previously published maps
historical maps - retrospectively reconstructing the state of a territory at a certain time
predictive (prognostic) map - shows the probable status of displayed events in the ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ..
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5. According to the ICSM (Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping), there are five different types of maps: General Reference, Topographical, Thematic, Navigation Charts and Cadastral Maps and Plans.
6. pics are there in up side
7. Scientists attribute soil formation to the following factors: Parent material, climate, biota (organisms), topography and time.
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