Answer the following question
1.Did the speaker actually travel seven seas
2. who was with the speaker in Africa
3. How does the speaker behave when he grew
Answered by
analyse character, plot or situations occurring in the lessons to be answered in about 80 words.
4 marks
17. Two out of three Short Answer Type Questions based on factual aspects, interpretation or evaluation
of lessons (40 - 50 words) 3 × 2 = 6 marks
Prescribed Books
1. First Flight - Textbook for Class X Published by NCERT
2. Foot Print without Feet - Supplementary Reader for Class X Published by NCERT
Reading Section :
Reading for comprehension, critical evaluation, inference and analysis is a skill to be tested formatively as
well as summatively.
Writing Section :
All types of short and extended writing tasks will be dealt with in both I and II Term Summative as wel
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