English, asked by vksntl7502, 11 months ago

Answer the following question in 80 – 100 words: Whenever we act against the voice of our conscience, the result is suffering. Explain with reference to the poet’s action against the snake and its consequences.


Answered by LAKSHYA2097


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Answered by phillipinestest

The Snake

According to Freudian psychology , there are three forces acting on a man- Id, Ego and Super-ego.

The Id expresses the immediate desire in a person . It also relates to his immediate actions.

The super ego on the other hand is  the voice of our conscience. It guides us to what is right and wrong.

In the poem 'The Snake' by D.H Lawrence, the poet exposes the conflict between the Id and the conscience.

Our Id teaches us to kill a snake as soon as we see it as it is dangerous. Religion correlates it to Satan in the garb of a serpent . However, in reality a snake is just a creation of Nature much like us.

It lives its own life and follows the same course of Nature as we do. There is no reason to harm it.

A snake had come for a cool drink of water in the poet's garden. As it was quenching its thirst the poet was gazing with amazement at its lithe body. As he stood appreciating he remembered the teachings of society to kill it. His Id got the better of him. He immediately picked up a stick and threw at it.

Immediately the snake slithered away leaving the poet repenting. He had gone against the voice of his conscience, resulting in his sufferance.

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