Answer the following questions.
1. Explain one main difference in the way in which hunter-gatherers and farmers livec
with their environment.
A hunter-gatherer is a human living in a society in which most or all food is obtained by foraging (collecting wild plants and pursuing wild animals). Hunter-gatherer societies stand in contrast to agricultural societies, which rely mainly on domesticated species, although the boundaries between the two are not distinct.
Pygmy hunter-gatherers in the Congo Basin in 2014
Hunting and gathering was humanity's first and most successful adaptation, occupying at least 90 percent of human history.[1] Following the invention of agriculture, hunter-gatherers who did not change have been displaced or conquered by farming or pastoralist groups in most parts of the world.[2] However the division between the two is no longer presumed to be a fundamental marker in human history, and there is not necessarily a hierarchy which places agriculture and industry at the top as a goal to be reached.[3]
Only a few contemporary societies are classified as hunter-gatherers, and many supplement their foraging activity with horticulture or pastoralism.[4][5] Contrary to common misconception, hunter-gatherers are mostly well-fed, rather than starving.[6]
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The answer is a little bit short but it is okay.
While some Agta communities engage exclusively in hunting and gathering, others divide their time between foraging and rice farming. The life of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter-gatherers in the following ways: (i) Farmers and herders lived in a group. (ii) Farmers and herders lived a settled life. (iii) Farmers and herders lived in huts made up of mud and wood.
And if u like the long one...Here's your answer.
The primary difference is that hunter-gatherers/foragers/hunter-collectors collect naturally occurring food off the landscape, and farmers and herders raise domesticated plants or animals for food. Everyone has got to eat. This primary difference leads to many other differences. For example, foraging people tended to be mobile, collecting the food available in one area and then moving on to the next. They tended to live in fairly small bands that moved around the country, and only gathered in large numbers when food supplies were very abundant. Foragers tended to be very independent, and they liked being mobile.
Farmers have to stay in one place to take care of their crops. Domesticated plants produce more food, but they don’t complete well with wild plants, so the wild plants need to be weeded out of the garden. The crops also need to be protected from animals and other people who may come along. Because they are sedentary, farmers need to grow enough food to get them through the entire year, so some kind of storage is necessary. With more food, you can have more people, so agricultural people often have larger populations than foragers.
More people can lead to more complex forms of political organization, such as tribes, chiefdoms, and states. There are advantages and disadvantages to different forms of political organization.
Herders or pastoralists raise domestic animals like goats, sheep, horses, camels, or cattle, so they tend to be mobile as well as move their animals from pasture to pasture. Their animals are their food supply, so they protect them from animals and other people, which makes them good with weapons.
These factors have a big impact on lifestyle. Foragers and pastoralists who are mobile tend to live in temporary or at least portable structures, while sedentary people live in permanent structures, like houses. Temporary structures can be the brush huts of the San people of the Kalahari or an igloo of the Inuit. Portable housing is usually tents of some sort such as the tipis, yurts, or the elaborate tents of the Basseri in Iran.
All of this is very general, and it varies a lot by the environment and other circumstances that people live in. For example, the Indians of the Northwest coast of North America lived in a particularly abundant environment. They were hunter-gatherers, but salmon was available in such abundance that they didn’t have to move around. They could preserve and store enough food to stay in one place all time. They lived in permanent houses and had a more complex tribal political organization. Human beings are very adaptable, and we are very good at figuring out ways to live in almost every environment.
Hope this answer is helpful to u.