Answer the following questions.
1. What will you do if lot of food is left over that is prepared at your home for a function?
2. An unknown plant has grown on the road next to your house. It's leaves look very
attractive and fresh. Your friend expresses his desire to taste it. What do you think
about this?
3. We prefer to have a variety of dishes in the diet. What should be the main reason
behind this?
4. You are advised not to be friend with the person because non-vegetarian food is
cooked at his house. You don't want to break this friendship. What argument you will
give for this?
Answered by
1. I'd eat some of it then everyday I'd say that to my mom then finish it.
2. No dont do it In my nursery also this happened a unknown eggplant looking plant entered my nursery we thought it was eggplant, so my mother ate it and died of stomachache. R.I.P
3. Because Variety of food has variety of energy giving food or nutrients.
4. My friend is also a vegetarian but im
not but we did not break friendship he's like my brother, Even if my mom forces for it I'd just say no and go to my friend
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