Answer the following questions.
1. Which option of the table the menu allows inserting a new row in a table ?
2. What is the intersection of a column and row called ?
3. what is mail merge
4. Write the steps of merging a letter with the main document ?
5. Write the steps of merging a letter with the main document ?
1 Right-click the mouse. A menu appears. Select Insert Insert Rows Above. A new row appears above the insertion point.
1: Right-click the mouse. A menu appears. Select Insert Insert Rows Above. A new row appears above the insertion point.
2: Intersection of columns and rows is called a cell.
3: Mail Merge is a handy feature that incorporates data from both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel and allows you to create multiple documents at once, such as letters, saving you the time and effort of retyping the same letter over and over.
4: •Creating a Main Document and the Template.
• Creating a Data Source.
• Defining the Merge Fields in the main document.
• Merging the Data with the main document.
• Saving/Exporting
5 same answer as no. 4