Computer Science, asked by sahnagina28, 1 year ago

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Answered by kanchankumari0201198


What are GIGO and bugs?

What is the smartest way for transferring heavy data?

GIGO stands for ‘garbage in, garbage out’. It means if what you feed into a computer program does not make sense, then what comes out will not make sense either. For example, if you have a computer program called ‘add two numbers’, and you tell it “add two badgers to three weasels”, it will probably give a nonsense response - if it works at all - because badgers and warns aren’t numbers and adding them together makes no sense. In other words, GIGO means using a function for something it was not designed. The function itself may be fine, you’re just not giving it the right values to work on.

A bug, by contrast, if any erroneous result, artefact or error (such as crashing or hanging) that occurs in the execution of a computer program. It can be caused by GIGO, but it can have many other different causes too.

Also, ‘bug’ is a class of insect. The story goes that an early computer was malfunctioning. On investigating, the programmer found that a moth had crawled into the casing and short circuited it, causing the problem. The technician solved this by ‘getting the bug out’. (Of course moths are not bugs, but given that Americans call all insects bugs, and the technician was not an entomologist, I suppose this is acceptable.)

Answered by varadsolanke2006


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