Answer the following questions (5x1=5)
26. What Is prlmary key? How do we set primary key?
27. Define DBMS. What are the advantages of DBMS?
28. Define RDBMS.
29. What are the component of the Access Window?
30. What is sorting? How to sort records in the table?
Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to create oxygen and energy in the form of sugar
26.a primary key is a specific choice of a minimal set of attributes that uniquely specify a tuple in a relation. Informally, a primary key is "which attributes identify a record", and in simple cases are simply a single attribute: a unique id.
Select the field or fields that you want to use as the primary key. To select one field, click the row selector for the field you want. To select more than one field to create a composite key, hold down CTRL and then click the row selector for each field. On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Primary Key.
27.A database management system (or DBMS) is essentially nothing more than a computerized data-keeping system. Users of the system are given facilities to perform several kinds of operations on such a system for either manipulation of the data in the database or the management of the database structure itself.
Advantages of Database Management System
Better Data Transferring
Better Data Security
Better data integration
Minimized Data Inconsistency
Faster data Access
Better decision making
Increased end-user productivity
28.Relational Database Management System(RDMS)It is a DBMS in which the database is organized and accessed according to the relationships between data items. ... In a relational database, relationships between data items are expressed by means of tables.
29.The major components of MS Access are as follows:
30.Sorting is the process of arranging data into meaningful order so that you can analyze it more effectively.
Sort the table
Select a cell within the data.
Select Home > Sort & Filter.
Or, select Data > Sort.
Select an option:
Sort A to Z - sorts the selected column in an ascending order.
Sort Z to A - sorts the selected column in a descending order.
Custom Sort - sorts data in multiple columns by applying different sort criteria.
Here's how to do a custom sort:
Select Custom Sort.
Select Add Level.
Add Level
For Column, select the column you want to Sort by from the drop-down, and then select the second column you Then by want to sort. For example, Sort by Department and Then by Status.
For Sort On, select Values.
For Order, select an option, like A to Z, Smallest to Largest, or Largest to Smallest.
For each additional column that you want to sort by, repeat steps 2-5.
Note: To delete a level, select Delete Level.
Check the My data has headers checkbox, if your data has a header row.
Select OK.