Answer the following questions:
(a) Into how many columns, a monitor screen is divided?
(b) What is the use of comma in PRINT statement?
(c) What is the use of semicolon in PRINT statement?
(d) What is the use of TAB in PRINT statement?
1 . Into how many columns, a monitor screen is divided?
a - Monitor divided into 9 sections by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines.
2 . What is the use of comma in PRINT statement?
a - When a comma is used at the end of a PRINT statement, the data in the next PRINT statement is continued on the same line beginning in the next print zone. When " " (quote, blank, quote) is used as a print field the computer will skip to the next print field.
3 . What is the use of semicolon in PRINT statement?
a - Like the comma, a semicolon used at the end of a PRINT statement causes the information in the next PRINT statement to be printed on the same line.
4 . What is the use of TAB in PRINT statement?
a - With a TAB function you can specify exactly where you want an item to be printed in an output line. It causes the computer to tabulate to a specified print position. The semicolon rather than the comma is generally used as a separator in PRINT statements containing TAB functions.