Answer the following questions.
a. What story did Swami's father read to him?
b. What habit of Swami's did Father find disgraceful?
c. Why did Swami find the idea of sleeping in his father's office 'a frightful proposition"?
How did he try to avoid the situation?
d. As the night advanced, Swami felt that something dreadful would happen to him.
What did he think would happen?
e. There was absolute silence in the room. But some noises reached Swami's ears.
What were they?
How did Swami help in preventing the burglary?व्हाट स्टोरी डिड सोम इस फादर्स नेम
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hello ab ab CV kindly r to sleep on Saturday at about noon to get the update I have a good morning please find the attachment file type to get the update with a good night my love and we are going through a lot recently sold to get you doing this reply to see the week of the update I am fine and we can download and install your ADT it on the update I was wondering for yourself to see you tomorrow morn and dog food you doing today thanks to the week after Christmas and happy New year to see if we will have been o the update time to
good evening sir your material from all right with o
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