Answer the following questions briefly: (a) What, according to the author, is 'bad mathematics"? (b) What are the signs of a successful person? (c) What can happen if we calm the mind down? (d) What does the author mean by saying 'positivity' is in the centre of our existence?
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a) The blog intersperses reporting on geniue mathematical results and research with criticism of mistakes, pseudoscience and abuse of mathematics.
b) Drive. You have the determination to work harder and make sure things get done.
C) Relaxing can quite your mind and make you feel peaceful and calm. Your body also reacts when you relax.
For example:your muscles may be less tense and more flexible.
d) The author conveys that our body can uphold positive emotions like bliss and peace for a long time as compared to the negative emotions. This clearly means that our body must be in contact with positive emotions for our healthy beings.
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