English, asked by soumyadip64, 1 year ago

Answer the following questions from the chapter "After Blenheim"
1) What is meant by "wonder-waiting eyes"?
2) Give a brief description sketch of Kasper?
3) What was the attitude of the speaker when he was narrating the story? What are your feelings for the speaker?
4) How Blenheim can be said to be an Anti-war poem?
5) What was the occupation of the speaker?


Answered by Redfoxy

1)she was curious to know the matter.

2)old kapar immediately took the skull from the boy and with a natural sigh he explains about the consequence of war. Here he also tells how his family suffered in the war but he doesnot know what happened but quoth that it was a famous victory. He doesnot tells or answers anything even rightly when his grandcholdren asked questions. He only knew only one thing and that he repeats in th whole poem not accepting the horrors or what good came out of it but according to him it's a famous victory.

3) much like 2nd question

Write about how he portrays war and he sighed when he thinks about horrors of war.

4.write the consequences of the war given in the poem and the questions asked by Peter kin and wilhelmine which tells that wars are futile and evil.. They are sensible.

5.summer evening his work was done and before his cottages door he was sitting in the sun. He is probably a farmer as he uses ploughshare often.

soumyadip64: dude thankss
Redfoxy: Your welcome
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