Biology, asked by sanikaparamane, 9 months ago

Answer the following questions
i) Give reason : Emasculation is done in a flower which is selected as female plant.
ii) Where is ozone hole seen?
iii) Which greenhouse gas is responsible for global warming?
iv) What is the role of stroma a lamellae or fret membranes?
v) Name the site of oxidative phosphorylation
vi) Give the example of connecting link between reptiles and birds.
vii) Which part of sex chromosome does not show crossing over?
viii) Which enzyme is required for synthesis of ATP​


Answered by aayu120503


ATP synthase enzyme is a crucial enzyme which is required for the ATP formation .

this enzyme is found in the CF1 part of ATP synthesizing complex located on the thylakoid membrane


emasculation is done in a selected female flower so that self pollination is prevented and cross pollination is encouraged so that it genetic variations can be increased.


a wide ozone hole has been discovered near Antarctica at the South pole.


though there are various greenhouse gases,carbon dioxide is a gas which has most contribution in global warming followed by methane.


stroma lamellae houses various photosystems and enzyme complexes which are responsible in the process of photosynthesis


oxidative phosphorylation occurs at the following step

glycolysis which takes place in the cytoplasm

krebs cycle which operates in the mitochondria

Hope what ever is answered helps you

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