Science, asked by sejaltalia, 7 months ago

Answer the following questions.
i. Write 10 lines on the usefulness of microorganisms in our lives.
ii. Write a short paragraph on the harm caused by microorganisms.
iii. What are antibiotics? What precautions must be taken while taking antibiotics?


Answered by Anonymous


sorry I donot know



Answered by naysa81



1. Penicillium, a fungi is used to produce antibiotics like penicillin.

2. Rhizobium helps in nitrogen fixation in soil and thus, increases the fertility of the soil.

3. Yeast is widely used in bakery for making fluffy bread and cake. 

4. Blue green algae carry out nitrogen fixation. 

5. Lactobacillus is used in dairy industries for setting of curd and in cheese making. 

6. Many microbes carry out decomposition of dead remains of plants and animals. 

7. Spirulina, yeast are used as single cell proteins (supplemetary food).

8. Yeast is used on commercial basis for the production of alcohol via fermentation. 

9. Processing and ageing of cheese is carried out by microorganisms.

10. Some microroganisms are used as a probiotic (live bacteria and yeasts that are good for digestive system and maintain good health of the host). They are called as 'good' or 'useful' bacteria.

ii) Microorganisms can be friend as well as foe. Bad microorganisms or harmful microorganisms cause illness and spoils food, leather, clothing, etc. Microorganisms that cause illness are called pathogens. Some microbes in food can produce toxins and if such food is ingested, it can cause food poisoning.  

iii) Antibiotics are medicines produced by certain micro-organisms to kill other disease-causing micro-organisms. Precautions to be taken while using antibiotics are:

i. Antibiotics should be taken under the supervision of a well qualified doctor.

ii. Course (intake) of antibiotics should be completed as prescribed by the doctor.

iii. Antibiotics should be taken in the right amount and at the right time. A wrong dose of antibiotics makes the drug ineffective. Also, excessive consumption of drugs may kill the useful bacteria present in our body.

I hope it helps!

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